How Adam and his Eve scorched the Brethren of Plimoth

The Beaver
The Katharine is bound for Virginia in mid-November, and the Gorges party returns to Wessagusset by land. They march off without Adam Trane, a deep disappointment to his master, who believes his servant has run away.

Adam is aboard Katharine, locked in the embrace of Recompense West. – Recompense’s owner is shipping her to Jamestown, where planters will pay a pretty penny for a hard-working girl. – When the nights turn frigid, the couple go ashore with members of Katharine’s crew and bed down in the house of a fisherman, an old sinner marooned among the saints.

On November 5, Guy Fawkes Day, the seamen are roistering in the fisherman’s house, making a great fire in the cold weather. Adam and his Eve are having a glorious time beside the warm hearth, Adam throwing on more and more fuel. The fire breaks out of the chimney and ignites the thatch. The blaze swiftly consumes four houses and comes close to burning down the brethren’s common store.
Four days later, Adam slinks out of Plymouth, taking the path back to Wessagusset with a native carrying messages to Gorges.

When Recompense West flees the inferno, she’s rescued by one of the saints. Brother Garrick Stone pays his pretty penny for the girl, who is indentured to him for seven years, a long and terrible trial for the godly covenanter.

A brutal winter sees the Wessagusset settlers battling sickness and boredom. Robert Gorges is in failing health, his gentlemen companions stricken with ennui. In spring 1624, Gorges and his friends return to England, leaving the settlement in the care of Reverend Morrell and his assistant. Like Blaxton, Morrell is charmed by the natural wonders of New England, but less approving of the country’s inhabitants:

“They’re wondrous cruel, strangely base and vile

Quickly displeased and hardly reconciled.

Themselves they warm, their ungirt limbs they rest.

In straw, and houses like to sties.”
In spring 1625, Morrell sails back to England. Some settlers go to Virginia, while others move to better locations around Massachusetts Bay. William Blaxton stays at Wessagusset as agent of the Gorges family and shepherd of the remaining colonists.
North Carolina Algonquins eating. Engraving by Theodor de Bry
 after a watercolour painted by John White
Imagining Boston -- 12

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